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YIPE! 0_0

This actualy got my heart pounding! I was scared that the minotaur would alway be just around that next bend!

It's a good time waster though.

Fix the learning curve

The idea of having each consecutive dot move with the rest is a compelling one, but the puzzles would be easier, (and thus more fun and alow for more challenge) if you could decide to move the red one, the red and yellow one, the red and green one, ore the just the red and blue one. also It would serve the game immensley if you wer able to continue moving even if a dot was up against a wall.

But here is a better way to make it more fun and accessable:


More Asteroids

I understand the point of having to "survive" untill smaller rocks pop up, but having to wait for that to happen is a bit excessive. I could go almost 4 minutes before I ran into someting that I could absorb. it would be healpfull if there were arrows at least that show where smaller chunks are in relation to the player. What you realy should do Is reprogram the game to spawn smaller asteroids more often than larger asteroids. The occasional big one would provide a challenge, instead of having all the big ones grouped in the middle. If you realy MUST reduce the number, survival could mean that you have to hoover up all the little ones before thay fall into the larger stars and planets.

My other gripe is that only you affected gravity in this game. The larger planets should alter the flight paths of smaller planets, and so on.

Bi-Polar-Bear responds:

i had it so all the planets gravity worked on each other, but what happened is everything in the universe just got sucked into the centre after a while so for the purposes of a game it didnt work

Level Edittor FTW!

I did a multi level. I still need to check to see if it will work, your instructions were a little confusing to me.

this SHOULD work.

eeed1111teewebeeeeeee1e11h11nd e1e11111e1e1e11111e1e1e1f1f1e1
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I beat the whole thing.

I head hurts and my hands are sore

World 6-4 was EVIL dude. E-V-I-L.


The piano is brutal man.
I'm gonna spoil it for the people who are reading reviews, He uses a violin to give you the notes you need to play on the piano.

yeah. And not knowing how to play by ear is a pain in the ass. if you could go back and at the VERY least write down the notes as they are played so it's a tad easier that would be great. But realy, if some one could write down the keystroke combo that would rock too

The letters with the "#" after them are the black keys.
write them in the order they are played in

13 is imopossible...

IF YOU HAVE A MOUSE. I has a pen tablet and it still was effin hard.
Level 16 just plain is too hard. It reqires precice timing and a PERFECT eye for drawing the line. I'm positive I could mash my head against it for HOURS maybe DAYS even before I GOT LUCKY.
Games where it is luck and luck ALONE that gets you through them are NOT good games. You had a nice idea, but you took it too far and ended up be JUST LIKE those same avoidance games you admonish in your intro.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

there is absolutely no luck involved in this game


This is surprisingly good for a gadget. Mabey you could hav made differnf colors or had the option to fire these things at a celebrety's head.

Barebones fun

this is just a skeleton of a game put it's still frontpage worthy

I gave up on level 4 the game was getting to be impossible by that point.

I'd like to see some power ups here to make the puzzles a bit more manageable.

"Fanguard" for a short time you wont kill the critters if you run in to them (generates randomly)

"Cage" You get a set number at the begining of a level. They would be used to contain a critter so it wont move while the fan is going.

"Bumpers" if a critter gets stuck in a main corner, these would be used to knock it out safely. (a key can activate)

"Mobile Wall" like the critters you can move them with the fan and if they get stuck a bumpper can get them out, but the diference is the if you press a certain key they will stop (pressing it again will set it free), and they don't die if you hit them.

"Vacuum" this can be an earned power up. it basicaly puts the fan into reverse so you can drag things behind you (and yes it would take some practice it master.) Activation/deactivation can be set to a key. this would be useful where the critter gets stuck in a corner with no bumper.

"Flypaper" causes the critters to move more slowly for a short time it also reduces the distance the fan is effective by 1/2.

"Grease" Critters slide around freely for a bit after the fan shuts off.

"Fanbreak" Anothere earned power up. This stops the fan cold as soon as you release the mouse button, eliminating residual fan motion.

"Fanshield" The last earned power up. this Is designed with the vacuum power up in mind. It allows you to suck things toward you and hold them there so they can be deposited else where. It gets weaker the closer you get to the portal however, and if you pass through a wall the thing you are carrying will still be stoped by it.

Another gool idea would be to have other critters that harm the orange critters if they touch them. Removing these pests could be part of the solution.

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

Great review!

Thanks for all the power-up ideas, though I won't be having power-ups for v1 of this game.

I just like the idea of retaining the purity, and feel that when you start adding power-ups, it can maybe distract from that.

Interestingly, my original game concept was that the fan would blow or suck, like your 'vacuum'. I'll be making a different change to make it easier to get critters out of corners.

Grease/flypaper could be implemented as enviroment elements rather than level design.

I am definitely adding enemy critters before we get to v1. Maybe check tonight.

Thanks again for the review. Was useful hearing where you gave up.

Hopefully, as the next iteration will have a smaller play-field, you'll find it more manageable.

*is giddy with glee*

That was realy awesome! I want more now. ^_^



THERE IS NO MORE!?!??!?!!!!1!one >:U

F.U. then!!!

(do more of this and make it longer to rectify this bad review. The only problem was it was to frikkin short!!! D:<)

BoMToons responds:

Part II coming soon.

Age 42, Male

Food Production Work


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