View Profile InfintyDragon

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glorious work! in the world of retro-minimalist games, you've made a masterpiece. This has a chess like feel as you really have to think a few moves ahead to beat some of the puzzles. Also one can compare this to the old "Maze of The Minotaur" game as it uses the same mechanic of each action taking a turn, but you have taken it a step further by introducing a varied cast of enemies to face. It's sad that some people can't see how many layers this game has are only judging it superficially. To all you reviewers under 20, let me tell you that if this game had come out for the 5600, 7200, or even as an NES title it would have been if not "the" killer app, it would have been most assuredly a BIG cult hit, remembered as fondly as "Gauntlet" or "Archon" are today by older gamers.

Kudos to you st33d, this is a great game and you definitely know what's up. 5/5

I only have one quibble and that is the response time after landing (from a jump) to a roll is a bit spotty. I noticed that you have to make at least one frame of running animation before the game will recognize AN input. I stress this as if you anticipate the roll an hit down slightly before you land (i.e., you hold left and down together as you are about to land) the game only registers the left input, and not the down input. This may be a bug, and should be looked into. Other wise the controls were super tight! (I'm over looking the slide stops, as games like this actually benefit from a bit of "play" in that area as it can be vital in adding those crucial microseconds to your momentum so that you miss a hazard. Another beef I have is that you give us good easy levels to get used to the controls, and learn the moves before you throw the hard stuff, but then you don't provide us with the same luxury after giving us the jet pack power up. You just kind of throw us in and assume that it will make the game easier/more fun, when in reality all you did was make the levels more obnoxious right after doing so. So I think you're level ordering might need a bit of tweaking. (design was fine, I just think you ordered them incorrectly in places.)

Solid 4/4

the game froze at the end (and I did beat it on medium). the idea of the boss battle added a neat element, and I found your choice of boss amusing. You did a good job on judging the difficulty for medium as I did die some at first, but as the evolutions came along, I was able to tackle things I wasn't before, while still being challenged.

I would have made it so the power ups were more apparent, as I didn't realize that is what they were until my third evolution. Your art style kind of clashed with the natural feel of the game, but I did like what you did with it by the end. One note, I was able to finish the game without using my invisibility, and I think that should be an achievement.

I am also stuck on 21. I'll grant that you were a sneaky bastard with hiding the proper opening moves, but for the life of me I cant find the GD right path to get the lowest ice block and still have the ability to get all the stars safely on the inside of the box, with out getting stuck inside, or flying out of the field.

GameBalance responds:

Check walkthrough then.

This is an excellent submission, and it only flaw is it is too short! Agh! Well what does one expect from a game made in 48 hours? The music is superb and fun, and the animation and controls tight as can be. The difficulty was just right to. If I died, i KNEW it was because I screwed up, not because the game was unfair. You should develop this, and make it longer. Perhaps add some evolutionary choices, and make it worth my while to find and eat everything in the level, even after I'm ready to evolve. Like others have said, great remake of E.V.O. the Quest for Eden. Do make moar!

4.5 stars/ voted 5!

This game has obvious flaws. namely, perfectly legitimate Bridge designs are forced to fail because they are not "correct." I can understand misleading attachment points, but for me to use them to their fullest often requires more cash than I have on hand. All attachment points are utilized in every puzzle, and what constitutes a secure placement varies from level to level. Sloppy physics ruin this game, and seemingly variable rules drain any left over fun one would have left. A good puzzle game leaves you excited to solve the next puzzle, I began to feel dread, and that is not an emotion you want to espouse in alight hearted puzzle game. I want you to know that I really wanted to like this game; the music is fun, the premise is simple, the graphics are crisp and bold, (hell, I even liked the color scheme), and building bridges give the game an erector set feel. Creativity! But the a fore mentioned problems just killed it for me. Perhaps if you had some sort of shop or other mechanic where you could upgrade the materials you use to build the bridge, or be able to use a prefabricated piece to help build, this could be rectified. But perhaps it was me, and I was missing something obvious. In that case, a bit more exposition would be necessary in your tutorial.
Score 3/3

I rated 5 and gave you 4.5 stars. This is some good stuff, but I lost interest fairly quickly. Puzzle element seemed a bit weak. Maybe add more mechanisms?


A Metroid-vainia game in the best spirit!

The game was very complex and the areas were well designed. The enemies seemed a bit to generic at first but I did like how as you level up and gain abilities, some of the invincible monsters become quite vulnerable. some type of armor would have been nice even as a temporary or special use item.
I did however find a bit of a bug with the final boss battle, if you stand on the second tile in from the door, you can fire at the other wizard, but he won't fire back or come over to you to fight. The final boss is therefore in possesion of a "sweet spot" (not that that is a bad thing, but it does make it easier to beat him than I think you intended.)

This is basicaly metroid.

From the maps, to the level layouts to the loads of secret areas and insane amounts of enemies. The boss battles are always epic and there is even some sort of creature that is an optional save. What it is, is the best parts of several games really; Mega Man, Kirby, Metroid...there's even a little Kid Iccarus in there.

This game would have fit in perfectly with any other game of the 8 & 16 bit era, and really that's the best compliment I can give!

Got the "fling it stage"

I was seeing hints of this here and there through out the game, but this level was a blatant example; You expect that the player has a mouse with which to play the game. Not an un reasonable expectation to be sure, but some of us have only the touch pad on our LAPTOPS. I wish somebody would make a control scheme for these poor souls in mind. Especially where mouse inputs are the "go to" control scheme.
Gave this a 4/7

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