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I found a glitch

I was in the reload practice and, just as the round statred I was redy to click on the clip. Well I really wailed that thing into the gun for a good time and the CLIP DISAPEARED. Poof! Vanished! There was know way to stop the level and go back, nor did the timer run out so I had to shut down the game. YOu shouold probably fix that.

tomylee responds:

Wow, i have tested the practice levels like 50 times or more! really!. Im gonna check out that, and fix it :)
Thank you for letting me know it!. Hmm, i dont know why it dissapeared... that´s weird :S. Well, gotta see that!
-tomylee =D

More Asteroids

I understand the point of having to "survive" untill smaller rocks pop up, but having to wait for that to happen is a bit excessive. I could go almost 4 minutes before I ran into someting that I could absorb. it would be healpfull if there were arrows at least that show where smaller chunks are in relation to the player. What you realy should do Is reprogram the game to spawn smaller asteroids more often than larger asteroids. The occasional big one would provide a challenge, instead of having all the big ones grouped in the middle. If you realy MUST reduce the number, survival could mean that you have to hoover up all the little ones before thay fall into the larger stars and planets.

My other gripe is that only you affected gravity in this game. The larger planets should alter the flight paths of smaller planets, and so on.

Bi-Polar-Bear responds:

i had it so all the planets gravity worked on each other, but what happened is everything in the universe just got sucked into the centre after a while so for the purposes of a game it didnt work

13 is imopossible...

IF YOU HAVE A MOUSE. I has a pen tablet and it still was effin hard.
Level 16 just plain is too hard. It reqires precice timing and a PERFECT eye for drawing the line. I'm positive I could mash my head against it for HOURS maybe DAYS even before I GOT LUCKY.
Games where it is luck and luck ALONE that gets you through them are NOT good games. You had a nice idea, but you took it too far and ended up be JUST LIKE those same avoidance games you admonish in your intro.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

there is absolutely no luck involved in this game

Barebones fun

this is just a skeleton of a game put it's still frontpage worthy

I gave up on level 4 the game was getting to be impossible by that point.

I'd like to see some power ups here to make the puzzles a bit more manageable.

"Fanguard" for a short time you wont kill the critters if you run in to them (generates randomly)

"Cage" You get a set number at the begining of a level. They would be used to contain a critter so it wont move while the fan is going.

"Bumpers" if a critter gets stuck in a main corner, these would be used to knock it out safely. (a key can activate)

"Mobile Wall" like the critters you can move them with the fan and if they get stuck a bumpper can get them out, but the diference is the if you press a certain key they will stop (pressing it again will set it free), and they don't die if you hit them.

"Vacuum" this can be an earned power up. it basicaly puts the fan into reverse so you can drag things behind you (and yes it would take some practice it master.) Activation/deactivation can be set to a key. this would be useful where the critter gets stuck in a corner with no bumper.

"Flypaper" causes the critters to move more slowly for a short time it also reduces the distance the fan is effective by 1/2.

"Grease" Critters slide around freely for a bit after the fan shuts off.

"Fanbreak" Anothere earned power up. This stops the fan cold as soon as you release the mouse button, eliminating residual fan motion.

"Fanshield" The last earned power up. this Is designed with the vacuum power up in mind. It allows you to suck things toward you and hold them there so they can be deposited else where. It gets weaker the closer you get to the portal however, and if you pass through a wall the thing you are carrying will still be stoped by it.

Another gool idea would be to have other critters that harm the orange critters if they touch them. Removing these pests could be part of the solution.

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

Great review!

Thanks for all the power-up ideas, though I won't be having power-ups for v1 of this game.

I just like the idea of retaining the purity, and feel that when you start adding power-ups, it can maybe distract from that.

Interestingly, my original game concept was that the fan would blow or suck, like your 'vacuum'. I'll be making a different change to make it easier to get critters out of corners.

Grease/flypaper could be implemented as enviroment elements rather than level design.

I am definitely adding enemy critters before we get to v1. Maybe check tonight.

Thanks again for the review. Was useful hearing where you gave up.

Hopefully, as the next iteration will have a smaller play-field, you'll find it more manageable.

*is giddy with glee*

That was realy awesome! I want more now. ^_^



THERE IS NO MORE!?!??!?!!!!1!one >:U

F.U. then!!!

(do more of this and make it longer to rectify this bad review. The only problem was it was to frikkin short!!! D:<)

BoMToons responds:

Part II coming soon.


I made it to level 16 and I got stuck/bored with it.
I have other things to do also.

However, this was a most enthralling experience, and my only advice would be to have some sort of hint system.

GameBalance responds:


Solution for those who are stuck...

Namis apartment 1
enter her room on the desser is a cellphone, investigate the top left button and sandras house will open up, on the way out check the kitchen for a clue about another puzzle and a limo service. The limo service opens up a new area. Also before you leave, investigate Nami THOROUGHLY. If you mouse around her abdomen another arrow shows up. Take the pills in her hand and send a sample to the lab. You are done here for now

Sandras place 1
Talk to sandra and she will tell you about her sort-of ex-boyfriend. this opens up the boyfriend's place.

Boyfreind's place 1
Talk to the boyfriend. Before you leave he gives you a photo of Nami. This is useful for showing to people.

Cab & Limo 1
Talk to Mario. He will tell you that she was a stripper. This opens up the Paradise club.

Paradise Club 1
(around this time the results should get back from the lab, there was poison in the pills!)
You can scroll the screen left and right here by moving the mouse toward the edge of the browser window. Scrol right and go into the VIP. there are three doors. the first one goes into the locker room, the second into the dressing room and the last one at the end of the hall is the bosses office. go in number 2 first talk to the stripper and she clues you in on some pertinent info. then go talk to the boss. He dosent give you much more than back ground info on "Nana." Leave.

Boyfiend's place 2
This is only a plot point, but he shows concern for Sandra. It does not open up any thing new, and I didn't see any indication that it affects the game at all, so skip it if you wish

Nina's appartment 2.
There is only one place that you should check. but there is a clickable area in the bedroom so go there first. Check the window for some suspicious info then head back to the living room. Mouse over the the CLOSET door. (you will know when you got it, it an arrow pointing left. near the front door). Inside click on the briefcase. Ah...a puzzle. Note the symblol on the breifcase. remember the note on the fridge? Yeah. Nina right? Try it, I'll wait.


No dice, eh? :p
How 'bout "Nana?"


Take the key and leave.

Paradise club 2
So now we have a key. If you were cuirous like I though you might be after the first chat with her boss, you checked up on her locker to only find it locked. Use that key on the locker. Poke around in there to find a menilla envelope with some picture in there. That businessman look AWFUL familiar doesent he...
take the pictures and show them to her boss, he shits a brick and fesses up on the polotician. This opens up Reed's Office.

Reeds office
Talk to the polotician. He gives you some MORE pictures before you leave.

(ok, at this point the boyfriend has split, the strippers gone, and "nana's" place is taped up. Hmmm...where did the police go then...)

Sandra's Appartment 2

(hey, nice tits babe. Dead, but still nice.)
when you are done oggleing teh BOOBIEZ, check the trash for a bloody gum wrapper. Send it off to DA LAB. You'll get a call almost immediatly that it was the Cab driver, so its time to confront him.

Cab & Limo 2
Hmm...hes not in. Search around his car to find the trunk locked. go back around and try to find the arrow that will let you into the door. click below the steering wheel to pop the trunk and examine the seat to check the crazy pills that this guy in on. go back arround to the trunk and click on it. Congrats, you've beat the game.

Johnnybdesign responds:

Nice walkthrough! It is complete.

I want to add my grain of salt by providing you with the original plot and that may answer a lot of questions raised in the previous reviews... SPOILER ALERT** DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT BEAT THE GAME:

Nami is a college student.
She came to the big city to study in Economics (from Sandra).
However, in a deleted scene, we should have learnt that she barely attends classes...
She pretends to be an orphan but we collect contrasting evidences (from picture).
She also seems to spend a lot of money (receipts).
She is definitely not a poor student...
She lives in a nice apartment... nicer than what she should be able to afford.
Supposedly, she inherited a large sum of money(this is what she tells her friends)but nothing is so sure.
Definitely, her whole story is shady.
As we rapidly discover, Nami works as a nude dancer at the Paradise Club (from Mario) under the stagename "Nana" (from poster + Showgirl).
So is her friend Sandra who is working under the name of Sarah (from phone + showgirl).
Nami was making a lot of money at the club (the Boss).
Note that some characters only know the real name of Nami & Sandra (boyfriend), others know their stagename (showgirl), and finally some know both (mayor).
Nami and Sandra usually shares a cab to go back home (from Showgirl).
Mario is driving them home regularly and we can guess that he is also stalking Nami (from the pictures). He is also driving Sandra home so he knows where she lives (important for the rest of the plot).
Nami gets involved with a married politician that she met at the club (from the Boss + pictures).
Mario, stalking Nami and even taking pictures of the two lovers together (second set of pictures), gets jealous and upset.
Meanwhile, Nami is in love with the mayor and leaves her boyfriend, who is unaware of her secret life.
Mario continues to stalk Nami and he can't support the idea of losing her to the politician.
One night, he climbs the fire staircase, opens the window by using a plunger to get a good grip and enters Nami's apartment.
Who knows what he does inside her apartment but we suspect that he adds a poison in Nami's insulin bottle.
Nami dies from the poison and our investigation begins.
Jack interrogates Mario who gets nervous.
He decides to eliminate Sandra. He fears that she knows too much and could link him to Nami.
Unfortunately for him, he leaves behind (at the crime scene) a pack of chewing gum full of bloody prints.
The prints are tracked back to Mario since he was arrested before.
So at this point, we know that Mario is a freak who stalks Nami AND was at the second crime scene (Sandra's apartment) with bloody hands.
We pay him a little visit but he his hiding somewhere.
We find some prescription drugs in his car: the guy is psychotic.
As we get to the trunk, Mario knows that he is done and just confess the murders in a very weird speech. Some people find it strange that Mario might confess so easily but who knows, he might have been devastated by guilt and loss of Nami.


I just sat and played that for the better part of 2 HOURS.

I got bored around level 45.

I had something like 4.8 million points.

I didn't find this game hard at all. In fact, the only hard part was raising funds. As for your sheild concept, around level 20 I realized it was quite useless if used manualy. So, I just parked it at the top of my structure and used it as an "umbrella" of sorts. It made the vertical bombs that the jets droped little more than a pretty explosion. ;) A tip to any body who is about to paly this; first focus on Armor and Power, with a lesser emphasis on distance, then just turtle up and try to get combo after combo. you rack up MAD points and $$$ doing that.

Which brings me to my admiration for the combo system. it was very ingeious. Almost inspired. If only it multiplyed instead of added, that would have made it PERFECT.
A few other additions (if you plan to make a sequel):
I would like to see some sort of ground based attack like pressing space or "w" to make a gun turred at the base fire. it would make hitting the ground troups later in the game a tad eaiser. (only when there are no planes that is ;) )
Also, I'd like to see a larger variety of war machines to bomb.
And finaly, if you could put a life bar on the boss (and for that matter have DIFFERENT bosses) That would rock.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

the combo system does multiply...... although it isnt straight multiplication, it's more of a combo "tree" than a single path. Every new thing in the combo becomes it's own chain of combos, which is why you can get 2 2000 pointers in one combo. My record is 64000 for one element of the combo


I got what you were trying to do, but it wont work.

The trick is to set the clock for 6:45am, and then set it for 3:30pm.

however, when ever i got the clock on 3:30 the clock just resets itself.

W. T. F.

Carnick responds:

Use the grey button on the base of the clock. Once at 6:45, and once at 3:30. I'll make this more clear in a future version by making it flash or something.


A) it's awkward for RIGHT HANDED PEOPLE (I.e., 90% of all humans)
B) the left hand that operates the controls often does so in the mirror immage of the right hand (in other words if you use your right ring finger to move right, and then you sudenly have to use your left hand, your brain makes your left hand perform the same operation to do the same thing- move right with your LEFT ring finger- doesn't work though does it?)
C) the left hand in online gaming natuarly is the fire button hand, not the movment hand. As such, making the controls for movement too close or uneven with the fire buttons makes the game almost unplayable. The N64 controller springs to mind here as a good example of this principle. ( all you PlayStation users know what I'm talking about. ;) )

That's why your game got a failing grade here. It is almost imposible to fight effectivley with your set up. I COULD NOT defeat the blue knight, simply because the controls were to awkward, NOT because it was too hard. A better set up would have used the SZAX keys instead of the WSAD keys. this set up is MUCH more ergonomic and allows for a more intuitive feel.

IiroHolopainen responds:

That's bullshit. Almost all of the right-handed people I know would rather control from WASD. Have you ever played FPS games? We will add customizable controls for our next game though so you don't have to worry about that.

Age 42, Male

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